My Name is Daniel Dempsey, I have a Dream, that dream is to be rich. I always wanted to be rich but since the birth of my newborn son that desire has turned to an obsession. I so badly want to be able to give him a better start and chance than I had when I was growing up and unfortunately, money is a good way of being able to give him that. I live in a tiny "house" and at the moment he doesn't even have a room/nursery. I Have Good Qualifications but am unable to work because I support my Mothers deteriorating MS (Multiple Sclerosis) which is getting worse by the day. I am at the moment a full time carer (for my son and my Mother) and don't see that changing, now I know happiness is not all about money, but I doubt anyone could argue that it wouldn't help. If people were kind enough to help me succeed then I would love to go into property development with the money that I have after reaching the goal and paying everyone £10,000. This is my nutshell story. This is my Dream....
Member since: Mar 26, 2013
Last site visit: Jun 25, 2013
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