Username: beexhughes

I am very outgoing. Love playing Video games and computer games.Just got an Xbox 360 for my birthday and Nintendo Wii. Favourite games on xbox - PGR3 and Call of Duty 4. Favourite Game on Nintendo Wii - Mario Galaxy. No time wasters please. Honest person.
**** DO NOT SWAP WITH ****
- holyfisheye - she may come accross as nice but she lets you send first then doesnt reply to your emails. wheres my GTA IV!!!!
p.s. she rated me badly because I rated her badly. I am goin to put up proof I sent her my item I still have recipt and trackin ref. for it. If any one has doubts about me.

Member since: May 28, 2008 Last site visit: Oct 24, 2011 Right now:  Offline

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