A good guy from Castleford! looking for a good deals and swaps!
If u scared that i'll scam you please check my ebay account
i dnt think that any one who got 100% feedback from 117 people will scam any one!! If you live somewhere in my area we can meet and do a swap!
People i trust and would recommend:
People i dnt trust, and u should avoid:
dannydaidson1988 (does insurance fraud, by swapping phones and then claiming on insurance, so u'll have a blocked phone soon SO TOTALY AVOID, if you want to come to him and get my iphone for free, feel free and ask me his address)
CABBAGE660 (Genuinish person but doesnt tell the truth about his CPUs they all are Engineering Samples just google it)
Member since: Nov 19, 2008
Last site visit: Oct 20, 2023
Right now: