Swap history

Swapped with Rating Comments
Dec 15, 2013
This swap was withdrawn by flyingstevea
agreed a deal on several items then said he had a better deal and would take that, not a good swapper, a deal is a deal when accepted!
Dec 15, 2013
This swap was withdrawn by flyingstevea
agreed a deal on several items then said he had a better deal and would take that, not a good swapper, a deal is a deal when accepted!
Dec 15, 2013
This swap was withdrawn by flyingstevea
agreed a deal on several items then said he had a better deal and would take that, not a good swapper, a deal is a deal when accepted!
Dec 8, 2013
This swap was withdrawn by flyingstevea
No communication, dragged out
Jul 15, 2013
Description: Pretty good
Communication: Fantastic
Delivery: Fantastic
Good Swapper - I will ask for photos of item as opposed to stock photos in future.
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