Swap history

Swapped with Rating Comments
Apr 4, 2011
This swap was withdrawn by foxyathome
i like your pc but it will coct me a arm and leg in fuil
Mar 21, 2011
This swap was withdrawn by foxyathome
mg will need clulch and tax is up and little mot
Mar 16, 2011
Description: Fantastic
Communication: Fantastic
Delivery: Fantastic
1st swap with Bryan foxyathome and all went smoothly NO MESSING with this swapper agreed a time and Bryan was here A+ Swap with Confidence a genuine swapper out for a genuine swap Thanks pal till the next swap.
Feb 26, 2011
Description: Fantastic
Communication: Fantastic
Delivery: Fantastic
very nice man and extremely good swapper,brilliant coms,item exactly as advertised come to me and did the swap in person, genuine fella and a credit to swaps, thanks alot mate and hope to swap with you again in the near future
Feb 24, 2011
This swap was withdrawn by foxyathome
cos the other person would not send his addess or answer my messeges or my phone calls,i offerd to drive to him but no answer he must be a fool
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