ive been trading for years on ebay and other sites.im new to swopz but having learned the hard way on ebay and not going to let my self or any one else get ripped off on here.i follow guide lines set out by my self to not only protect myself but also the swopzsters im dealing with.im a very fair person and i love swoping since i was a child.i will try to repliy to all emails as quick as possible even if its just to say yes or no.i dont mind sending through post as long as it recorded delivery only.but if u live close you could just drop around to pick it up or as i did this month drove down to meet mark 777 in nuneaton who was great fun to pick up my ps2 which we are very happy with.thanks mark.any questions i would be pleased to answer and ever one on swops goes on about if there rank is higher than your then you have to send firstive been told u can get a rank like that in a week buy seting up bogus swop accounts and dealing with your self so please dont think that a good raiting means there safe because it dosent all the best chris
Member since: Aug 6, 2008
Last site visit: Jan 10, 2011
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