Swap history

Swapped with Rating Comments
Feb 16, 2011
Description: Pretty good
Communication: Fantastic
Delivery: Pretty good
great swapper, honest bloke, straight talking man, both prties went away happy, hope to deal with again, p.s (told you that light goes out when driving) lol, thanks for a good swap mate
Feb 16, 2011
This swap was withdrawn by tomo1984
Hi Steve Just looked at insurance for the VW but due to it been modified its £1350 the MG £750. Sorry to have messed you around but I just had no idea it would cost so much I thought it would be cheaper. Regards Rob
Feb 2, 2011
Description: Fantastic
Communication: Fantastic
Delivery: Fantastic
top swapper.happy to deal again.
Jan 11, 2011
This swap was withdrawn by derekrobins1970
Dec 7, 2010
This swap was withdrawn by BMWBWOY
Breakdown in communication
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