Swap history

Swapped with Rating Comments
Oct 1, 2008
Description: Fantastic
Communication: Terrible
Delivery: Extremely slow
I never did recieve my item of 4 placemarts from Zita.Was very patient for along time..she said all sorts of things including the man upstairs has burned the leads on my computer. knowing she wanted the "mourning locket" l said l would even accept a dvd, she said she would get one from her sister for me as my parcel was missing. When l rang her in jan ( the swap agreed in oct) ashe said l have 2 dvds by the front door waiting to be posted to you. I believed her. No dvds. She eventually said the placemats were in my sorting office and we went specially down there and had them running around..could not have been more helpful. But no placemats. During alot of this time,..she ignored my mail..sometimes she had been on but just ignored me. That was the upsetting part..just to be ignored when l had been patient and done nothing wrong. Then rang and said l wanted my locket back...she said l posted the dvds to you today...l asked for the tracking number she said it is on my bag...l said l will wait...she said "well take me to court then" and put the phone down. I was already having problem with another swapper and was preparing to take him to court...so l mailed and siad you win..keep it..what goes around comes around. The she sent the "locket" back to me saying "how do l know you have not got the placemats?" When she had been assuring me they were in my sorting office. Yet when the number was puched into the Track & Trace...it said Returned to sender. Its almost like she gained my trust as l posted before l got my item...l would not do that again only to my trusted friends on here. Have blocked her now as l felt l was not going to hear the end of it. If she had only kept in touch and sent a dvd...she would still have the locket and l would have the dvd she would have got a good rating!.
Sep 29, 2008
This swap was withdrawn by zitababe
swapz done on 29th sep but never sent items
Sep 23, 2008
Description: Fantastic
Communication: Fantastic
Delivery: Fantastic
excerlant swapper.. reccomended a************
Sep 23, 2008
Description: Fantastic
Communication: Fantastic
Delivery: Fantastic
fantastic swapper, a********** you are 1 of my favourites... thanks
Sep 22, 2008
This swap was withdrawn by josh826
Cannot send out at the moment as needed pakkaging i will hold product for you i appoligise
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