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Ford focus mk2 st

Location: West Midlands - Oakengates
Swap Value: £5.000+
Model: Ford Focus     Year: 2007     Mileage: 110,908 miles
Private Individual


St mk2 225 running at 440bhp it's got full airtec stage 3 intercooler with upgrade orange pipe airtec air filter cost 2,500 all togaver for the parts... its had the block mod done upgrade driveshafts rs radiator rs clutch and gearbox flywheel... gold bola B1s full rs exhaust system I have rs injectors new but haven't put them in yet.. it's a very fast fun car have just done the both drop linkes and both arms ldz and ldz off paper work with it

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Looking for a nice Subaru Impreza must be turbo wrx sti or just wrx

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