The 2022 platinum jubilee deluxe se

Location: Scotland - Wishaw
Swap Value: 1 penny


The 2022 platinum jubilee monarch platinum--gold
Sovereign Deluxe Set there is considerable demand just ## their is a lot of interest from America and Europe so don't let them go they will only go up in value thanks.
## they are 24 SOLID GOLD SOVEREIGN SET ## British sovereign are highly sought for their purity .reliability and historical longevity.##

I want to swap for

A classic or Some LAND what have you of interest no silly offers or time wasters ## their is a very very lot of interest dont let it go a lot of interest from America AND EUROPE THANKS FOR LOOKING GOOD LUCK \\\ Don't Let Them Go +.all very very good investment you will never loss ++ they will only go up in value + ## 24 CARAT SOLID GOLD SOVEREIGN SET ##

I am open to ALL SWAPZ

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