More Questions

Can I help you get the momentum really going?

We will be working closely with the media and organisations that we are confident will see the value in a site like, but we can always use help! Please let all your family and friends know about us, and encourage them to tell their family and friends too. If you have a website of your own, please feel free to link to us at

Does it cost anything to register at

No, it is currently free to register with This includes registration, adding swap listings, posting to the forum, and using all of the site's features.

Does work?

We will all know soon enough, but from our personal experience most people love to swap, barter and trade. It's like going to your favourite holiday marketplace from the comfort of your own home or office. Remember, people were swapping long before money was invented!

Can I add photos to

Photographs of your swapz are encouraged on the site. The site has upload software built in, but pictures are limited in file size to 100Kb. (a regular photograph defined at 96 pixels per inch and sized a maximum of 500 pixels in any direction should be far smaller than this and very viewable). Jpeg or Gif are our preferred formats. If you try to upload an image larger than 100kb, the system will not accept it.

Can I add my links to

Yes, but not by automatic submission, and at our discretion. Please go here and follow the instructions on the page.

Where and how do I report improper use or abuse of the system?

Please E-mail us at

What plans do you have to further develop

We have some very exciting ideas and functions we want to add to the site, but as always time is needed. Also, the success of further functions relies on enough people registering with Everyone we spoke to before we launched thought was a great idea. Please help us make it a fantastic experience and a useful addition to the internet community.